Micaela Darr has taught me pretty much everything I know about informed consent, how to handle it with grace, and how to fight for our parental rights.
Today we discuss how, or even if, to have these conversations with grace. We also dive into a Catholic POV look at abortion tainted vaccines, and what the Vatican says about our options.
She was kind enough to share many resources with us that are linked below!
-State laws regarding exemptions: https://www.nvic.org/
-Aborted fetal cells and what the Vatican has said: https://cogforlife.org
-Contraindications, risks of side effects, efficacy of vaccines, etc resources: https://vaccine.guide/, https://www.justtheinserts.com, https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/vaccines
-Decline of disease mortality in the 20th century. Resources: https://vaccine.guide/necessity-of-vaccination/
-How to treat vaccine preventable diseases: book: Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child
-Vaccination, a Catholic Perspective by Pamela Acker https://kolbecenter.org/product/vaccination-a-catholic-perspective/
- Dr. Green Mom
Ep 31: How to Handle Medical Freedom Conversations with Family & Friends