NGO is short for Non-Governmental Organizations. I suppose in a world that can't tell the difference between a man and a woman, the irony I'm about to lay out shouldn't be all that surprising. Often these NGO's are heavily funded by the US Government...therefore having to abide by their regulations, and sort of making them, well...government run organizations right?
I'm going to pick on one in particular today, although there are many. Catholic Charities USA, the umbrella organization for many smaller local Catholic Charities organizations received 18.8 million dollars from the US Government in the 2023 Fiscal Year. This was over half of their total funding for the year.
Of note: that amount does NOT include the millions more granted directly to the local branches of the organization. Yes, literally MILLIONS more. If you're interested in digging through the data, will get you started. It might also make you sick to your stomach.
Ok, but what's wrong with federal funding for organizations who are doing good work?? Two things come to mind.
1) ARE they doing good work?
2) Government money comes with government strings and regulations. Always. End of story.
Maybe you read the title and are trying to figure out...just what does this have to do with immigration? I'm glad you asked. We're going to get to that. However, it seems pertinent to put a disclaimer here for well meaning Christians.
Open borders are not humane. This is supported by facts, not opinions. It's bad for migrants, bad for the countries they come from, bad for the citizens of the country they're going to, bad for those seeking true asylum, and bad for those attempting to come here legally. Human trafficking. Gun running. Drug cartels. Gangs. Terrorist watchlist members. Crime. Open borders are an open invitation to those caught up in all sorts of evil activities. And just for the record...I'm talking about bad actors from the American side too. This allows them many opportunities to line their pockets off the backs of immigrants.
If you think I'm being dramatic, I highly recommend checking out Ioan Grillo's Substack. You'll only need to read about two articles to be absolutely horrified.
The humanitarian crisis is a topic for books on end all by itself, but today I want to focus on how our government is funding our own problem, through NGO's. Catholic Charities, the Red Cross and many others are facilitating mass illegal immigration, using our very own taxpayer money, funneled through our federal government.
These organizations begin their operations south of the border, working hand in hand with the United Nations Immigration programs, hosting waystations, handing out debit cards, clothing etc, just to get them to the US border.
Mark Krikorian, of the Center for Immigration Studies, calls it a "conveyor belt," saying that once they're here, these charities set up legal representation, and help them settle in various cities in the United States.
Representative Tom Tiffany of Wisconsin recently uncovered a few of these waystations, or camps north of the border in the Coronado National Forest (AZ.) Here's what he posted to X on February 10th, 2024.
In a frustrating angle, many of these contracts and grants from the federal government are broken out into local organizations, making it almost impossible to truly track the number of funds going straight to this crisis. For instance, FEMA was reported back in 2022 as providing $2.2 million in so called humanitarian funding to Catholic Charities organizations in DC, who would welcome migrants bussed in from AZ and TX with prepaid debit cards.
A lot of people lose in this charade, and none of them are the folks in the government. Politicians are facilitating this crisis through funds they're handing out, rules they're making and strings they're pulling, all the while managing to keep their hands clean by using NGO's as a front.
It's a farce, and they think you're too stupid to notice. At the very least it is a misuse of taxpayer funds, and in a country founded on frustration over "taxation without representation," perhaps it's time we start paying a little more attention to just where that money goes, and holding our politicians, and "charitable" organizations, accountable.