1) You’ve likely heard about the trans day of visibility controversy, but I thought this was interesting perspective to look at from another country.
This was a comment on the tweet above that’s worth sharing.
2) Speaking of the trans day of visibility, here’s a little context for how it started. So much oppression.
3) All three of these tweets were posted on Easter Sunday, from our “Catholic” Congresswoman (her team, I’m sure.) How exhausting must it be to keep up with all of the popular causes, and still pretend to be Christian.
4) This is why we can’t trust numbers. They can be manipulated all too easily. I do think he misses something here, which I’ll add below.
Multiple data sources show that about 25% of job growth in 2023 was due to government jobs being added. This means your taxpayer dollars going to pay for more government employees. Does this really help the economy?
5) Finally, I’ll link the article below. Taking the “sides” out of the equation, it’s a very interesting read about how war is simply not possible without civilian casualties.
Read the article here.